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The vine, a miracle of nature?

The vine, a miracle of nature?

Regular price $30.95 CAD
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  • Publisher: Éditions Quae
  • French language
  • Publication date: 08/2021
  • Number of pages: 176
  • Dimensions: 14 x 20 cm
  • Weight: 310g
  • Format: Softcover
  • ISBN: 9782759233311

Presentation :

For 8,000 years, the cultivation of vines has accompanied human civilizations. Already, the Roman historian Justin affirmed, in his Historiarum Philippicarum, that “the Mediterranean peoples began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive tree and the vine”.
In 70 fascinating questions and answers, this book takes you on a journey to the land of the vine, through its history, its biology, its landscapes, its economy... What is the origin of our grape varieties? Where can you grow vines? How are vineyards coping with climate change? How to cultivate organically? What will be the vines of the future?... So many questions that will take you into history and vineyards around the world.
From wild vines to the latest varietal innovations, you will discover how this vine was domesticated by man, how its grape varieties spread across the planet, how the deciphering of its genome opens up new perspectives for it. Today, climate change, emerging diseases and the massive use of pesticides are all threats that winegrowers must face. You will see the latest scientific advances and the levers for action to ensure the future of this unique and essential agricultural production.
Throughout the chapters, you will understand why the vine, this unique plant, is a miracle of nature that the patient work of men makes bear fruit.

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