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From Yquem to Fargues - The excellence of a wine, the story of a family

From Yquem to Fargues - The excellence of a wine, the story of a family

Regular price $72.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $72.95 CAD
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  • Publisher: Gallimard
  • French language
  • Publication date: 11/2016
  • Number of pages: 180
  • Dimensions: 18 x 26 cm
  • Weight: 630g
  • Format: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 9782072694851

Presentation :

Only one glass per vine! This is the ideal production yield for Sauternes wine, due to extremely selective picking. In our impatient and financial times, this result seems like an extravagance. Unique elixir, "drunk light", said Frédéric Dard of him, Sauternes is today weakened by the reduction of the plots devoted to it, in favor of a dry white wine, easy to produce, and by the threats that a railway project puts a strain on the region's ecosystem.

Alexandre de Lur Saluces, with forty years of experience serving the family estates of Yquem and Fargues, here makes a real plea for Sauternes, striving to share his passion and explain the making of this sweet wine. so unique, the fruit of human labor, ancestral know-how, a unique terroir and a miraculous natural phenomenon. It offers the reader a dive into a timeless universe, through a form of declaration of love to a nectar which, since the 16th century, has enchanted lovers and aesthetes around the world.

The Author:

Count Alexandre de Lur Saluces , former heir to the Château d'Yquem and former manager of SCI, is recovering badly from having had to sell his château, and somewhat his soul, to Bernard Arnault. In the absence of land, he will transmit the Morale of Yquem, recounted for posterity in a book!

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