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Beer in 100 questions

Beer in 100 questions

Regular price $42.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $42.95 CAD
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  • Publisher: Hachettes Pratique
  • French language
  • Publication date: 06/2022
  • Number of pages: 303
  • Dimensions: 21 x 26 cm
  • Weight: 1316g
  • Format: Softcover
  • ISBN: 9782019461898

Presentation :

Completely revised and updated collection. Learn everything about the world's beers in the blink of an eye. Breweries are multiplying all over the world, styles are diversifying. How to navigate this ever more innovative offering? In this book, discover the making of beers: malts, hops, yeasts... From crushing to fermentation and aging in barrels. Learn to spot labels and purchasing channels and read about good practices for storing and serving beers. But also, taste all the styles and new trends: beers dominated by malts, hops or marked by fermentation, light, sweet, powerful, sweet, smoked, hoppy beers, beers with added ingredients, rustic beers. .. And pair beers and foods, according to styles, aromas and tastes.

The Author:

Elisabeth Pierre is a zythologist, independent beer expert, trainer in hotel school, IUT, ENIL, at the University of La Rochelle, at the University of Wine of Suze-la-Rousse, and international judge. It has been developing “beer” knowledge and culture among the public and professionals for more than 25 years. She is the founder of the magazine Bières & Mets, dedicated to the taste, gastronomic and cultural world of beers associated with other products. She created and runs the Cercle Bierissima which brings together and honors women in beer ( She is the author of Biérographie and the Hachette Beer Guide.

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